5 ways to say someone is wrong!

31 de agosto de 2023
Ways to Say someone is wrong. ONE BY ONE

Hello dear students! Five ways to say someone is rigth!

Olá queridos alunos! Cinco maneiras de alguém estar certo!

Not quite right

  • I’m afraid that’s not quite right, Marcellus!
  • Receio que não seja bem assim, Marcellus!

You’ve got it wrong

  • Janice, you’ve got it wrong.
  • Janice, você entendeu errado.

You’re mistaken.

  • Junior, I’m afraid you’re mistaken.
  • Júnior, receio que você esteja enganado.

That’s all wrong.

  • No, that’s all wrong, Fernanda would never do something like that.
  •  Não, está tudo errado, a Fernanda jamais faria uma coisa dessas.

Off base

  • Sorry Calebe, but you’re way off base about the project’s timeline.
  • Desculpe Calebe, mas você está muito errado sobre o cronograma do projeto.

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