Informal English

1 de junho de 2023
One By One

Hello There dear students!

The word “ain’t” is an informal combination/contraction of the words “am not,” “is not,” “are not,” “have not,” “has not,” and “did not”.

It is an uncommon word in the English language and is typically seen as impolite or even improper in formal writing or conversation.

“Ain’t” can be used in sentences like these:

Am not / is not / are not / has not / have not

  • “I ain’t going to the supermarket with you.” (I am not going  to the supermarket with you.)
  • “Malu ain’t playing on her desk today.” (Malu is not playing on her desk today.)
  • “They ain’t finished their party yet.” (They have not finished their party yet.)

There is / There are

  • Ain’t no need to worry, everything will be okay. / There is no need to worry, everything will be okay.
  • Ain’t much time left before the deadline. / There is not much time left before the deadline.
  • Ain’t nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning. / There is nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning.
  • Ain’t no one as smart as my grandma. / There is no one as smart as my grandma.
  • Ain’t many cars in this parking lot / There are not many cars in this parking lot.

Did not

  • She ain’t eat the pizza. / She didn’t eat the pizza.
  • I ain’t know about you. / I didn’t know about you.

Olá queridos alunos!

A palavra “ain’t” é uma combinação/contração informal das palavras “am not”, “is not”, “are not”, “have not” , “has not” , e “did not”.

É uma palavra incomum no idioma inglês e normalmente é vista como indelicada ou mesmo imprópria na escrita ou em uma conversa formal.

“Ain’t” pode ser usado em frases como essas:

Am not / is not / are not / has not / have not

  • “I ain’t going to the supermarket with you.” (Eu não vou ao supermercado com você.).
  • “Malu ain’t playing on her desk today.” (Malu não está brincando na mesa dela hoje.).
  • “They ain’t finished their party yet.” (Eles ainda não terminaram a festa deles.).

There is / There are

  • Não há necessidade de se preocupar, vai dar tudo certo. (Ain’t no need to worry, everything will be okay.).
  • Não falta muito tempo para o fim do prazo. (There is not much time left before the deadline / Ain’t not much time left before the deadline )
  • Nada como uma boa xícara de café pela manhã. (There is nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning / Ain’t nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning)
  • Ninguém é tão inteligente quanto minha avó. (There is no one as smart as my grandma. / Ain’t no one as smart as my grandma).
  • Não há muitos carros neste estacionamento (There are not many cars in this parking lot. / Ain’t many cars in this parking lot).

Did not

  • Ela não comeu a pizza (She ain’t eat the pizza.).
  • Eu não sabia sobre você. (I ain’t know about you.).

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