World Cup: Soccer / Football vocabulary

9 de dezembro de 2022

Perhaps it is the most practiced sport in the world today, but do you know this vocabulary about soccer?

Talvez seja o esporte mais praticado no mundo hoje, mas você conhece esse vocabulário sobre futebol?


  • Atacante: Striker/Forward;
  • Árbitro: Referee/Ref
  • Camisa: Jersey;
  • Cabeçada: Header
  • Caneleiras: Shinguards;
  • Chutar: To kick;
  • Chuteira: Cleats;
  • Cobrança de pênalti: Penalty Kick;
  • Cruzamento: Cross;
  • Driblar: To dribble;
  • Escanteio: Corner Kick;
  • Futebol: Football (British) Soccer (American);
  • Intervalo: Hafl-time
  • Lateral: Throw-in;
  • Marcar um gol: To score a gol;
  • Trave: Post, goalpost;
  • Travessão: Bar, crossbar;
  • Tiro de meta: Goal kick

Positions on the field(American English) -Pitch (British English)

  • Atacantes: Forwards/Strikers : Their main function is to score goals;
  • Meio Campo: Midfielders can help the forwards and the defenders;
  • Defensores: Defenders. They have to stop the other team’s forward;
  • Goleiro: Goalkeeper have to save the goals!

Vejamos algumas dessas palavras em uso:

Chutar: To kick

  • Neymar kicked towards the goal.

Driblar: To dribble

  • Vinicius Junior is a great dribbler.

Marcar um gol: To score a goal.

  • Brazil scored 4 goals against South Korea;
  • South Korea scored only one goal against Brazil.

Trave: post, goalpost:

  • The Spanish soccer player hit the post and Spain lost the match!

Travessão: bar or crossbar.

  • The South Korean striker kicked the ball over the crossbar.

Outras frases do futebol:

  • Brazil vs Croatia will be played on Friday 9 December 2022, with kick-off scheduled for 12 pm;
  • Brasil x Croácia será disputado na sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2022, com início marcado para o meio-dia;

  • A player was sent off;
  • Um jogador foi expulso;

  • It’s a draw!
  • Está empatado.

  • Four – one for Brazil;
  • Quatro a um para o Brasil.

  • Neymar returned from injury and converted a penalty.
  • Neymar voltou de lesão e converteu um pênalti.

And who do you think will win this World Cup? Is hexa coming? Any guesses?

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