Vocabulary Bargaining 26 de fevereiro de 2024 Hello, dear students! Let’s check how to negotiate? In many cultures OneByOne Ler mais
Vocabulary Five ways to interrupt someone 22 de janeiro de 2024 Hello, dear students! Today we would like to share 5 ways OneByOne Ler mais
Vocabulary Probabilities 15 de janeiro de 2024 Hey dear students!Let’s talk about probabilities! Slim Chance: Highly Likely: In OneByOne Ler mais
Grammar Five alternatives to “Let me know”. 11 de dezembro de 2023 Hey there! How’s it going dear students? Today we’d like to OneByOne Ler mais
Plural Irregular Plurals Part II 3 de novembro de 2023 Hello there dear students! Today, taking orders. Here’s another list of OneByOne Ler mais
Plural Irregular Plurals Part I 19 de outubro de 2023 Hello there, dear students! Hoje gostaríamos de mostrar uma lista com OneByOne Ler mais
Vocabulary People Or Persons ? 5 de outubro de 2023 Hello there, dear students! Olá queridos alunos! People or Persons, qual OneByOne Ler mais
Quick Tip How to reply to a thank you? 21 de setembro de 2023 Hello there dear students! How to reply to a thank you? OneByOne Ler mais
Quick Tip 5 ways to encourage someone! 1 de setembro de 2023 Hello dear students, who follow 5 ways to encourage someone! Olá OneByOne Ler mais
Quick Tip 5 ways to say someone is wrong! 31 de agosto de 2023 Hello dear students! Five ways to say someone is rigth! Olá OneByOne Ler mais