In time X On Time!

10 de agosto de 2023
One By One Idiomas

Guys, today we’d like to show you the difference between IN TIME and ON TIME.

Pessoal, hoje gostaríamos de mostrar a diferença entre IN TIME e ON TIME.

  • The bus arrived in time for the scheduled departure.

This means that the bus arrived with enough time before the scheduled departure.

Isso significa que o ônibus chegou com tempo suficiente antes da partida programada.

  • I finished my homework just in time for the deadline.

This suggests that he completed his homework at the last possible moment before the deadline.

Isso sugere que eu concluí minha lição de casa no último momento possível antes do prazo.

  • Please send your reports by email on time for the meeting.

This means that you should submit your email by the specified deadline. It emphasizes punctuality and meeting the expected timeframe.

Isso significa que você deve enviar seu e-mail até o prazo especificado. Isso enfatiza a pontualidade e o cumprimento do prazo esperado.

  • The bus arrived on time at 9:00 AM.

This indicates that the bus arrived precisely at the scheduled time of 9:00 AM.

Isso indica que o ônibus chegou precisamente no horário agendado das 9:00 da manhã.

  • The teacher started the class on time.

This suggests that the teacher began the class at the scheduled time.

Isso sugere que o professor começou a aula no horário agendado.

  • I got home just in time to watch the match on my tv.

This means that I got home with enough time to turn my tv on and watch the match.

Isso significa que cheguei em casa apenas com tempo suficiente para ligar a TV e assistir ao jogo.

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